28 december 2012

Fix you

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

(Coldplay - Fix you)

26 december 2012

Never lose HOPE

Be who God meant you to be - you will set the world on fire.
After seeing a inspirational movie I wanna share this quote with you.
Keep faith, never lose your hope.
Because your passion, love, hope and faith can set the world on fire.
When you are willing to follow God and keep faith, He will bless you more than you can imagine.

Dear followers, please never forget this quote. It's important.
Thank you for following and supporting me, it means a lot to me.
I hope I can keep on writing and sharing.
Never forget this - You are special and unique made by God.
Be who God meant you to be!

15 december 2012

Rather Today Than Yesterday

Een gedichtje van mij uit de oude doos.
Deze keer met bijpassend plaatje!

Liever de realiteit dan een droom.
Liever wachten op jou dan een gebroken hart
Liever dromen over de toekomst dan nadenken over het verleden
Liever vandaag dan gisteren
Liever onervaren dan ervaren
Liever begrijpen dan weten
Liever vandaag dan morgen
Liever een lach dan een traan
Liever zekerheid dan onzekerheid
Liever dromen over teleurstellingen dan ze meemaken
Liever in mijn droomwereld dan de harde realiteit
Liever pure te zijn in mijn wereld, waar wél alles kan ..

11 december 2012

God is always on the move

God is always on the move.
He created us to have goals and dreams, to be reaching for more in our life in Christ.
When God gives you a dream, it's like becoming pregnant: you conceive (think or imagine) a vision of the "new thing"
He's planned for you.
Now you have to make it through the pregnancy and get to full-term to birth the fulfillment of it
Isaiah 43:18-19). 

So often our dreams are about us—what we want for our life or what's good for us.
But Jesus, our example of how to live, gave His life not for His benefit but for ours.
Shortly before He was crucified, He was in a garden praying and He said,
Not My will but Yours be done (see
 Luke 22). He came from the glory of heaven to earth to give us life.
Everything He did was for us.
To really live the dream God has for us, we need to let go of selfishness, or "die to self."
What are some things we must die to? Things like our plan, our timing, our way, our reputation,
getting credit for what we do, the need to be in control and the need to be right.
If you will give your life to God like Christ laid down His life for you,
God will do amazing things in you and through you.
It's not easy but the reward on the other side is so worth it—the fulfillment of your God-given dream!

9 december 2012

Vriendschap is ...

Een mannen en vrouwen versie!
Ik moest zelf lachen toen ik de deze quote las,
want ik besefde dat het dit mijn betekenis van vriendschap is.
Hopelijk herken je het!

2 december 2012

Isaiah 43:1

Mijn bijbeltekst en tegelijk belijdenistekst!
Uit Jesaja 43:1.

'Wees niet bang, want Ik heb je vrijgekocht,
Ik heb je bij je naam geroepen, je bent van Mij.'