18 januari 2012

A short letter to God

Deze tekst werd mij onder ogen gebracht.
Een kort gebed.
En telkens als ik keek naar de aanhef 'Dear God' , dan moest ik denken aan een liedje
Dear mr. God - Een prachtig liedje, geschreven vanuit de ogen van een kind.
Bijbehorend bij de film 'Letters to God'.

Er zou dus ook kunnen staan:
'Dear mr. God, please help me to remember that nothing will happen today,
that You and I cannot handle together.'

Dear Mr. God,
I’m writin’ You today
because it seems like lately, I’ve forgotten how to pray
I know I don’t need this pen, but everybody likes to get a letter now and then
I’m sorry for not writin’ more

Dear Mr. God,
sometimes I wish You lived next door
So over coffee You could tell me what You started all this for
I guess you saw that sunrise yesterday
Thanks for the reminder that You’re never gone away
It gives me hope, telling You what You already know
I need you ,
but it’s hard to see why anyone as big as you needs anything from me
You know You’re there , so how’ve You been?
I’m all right but I can’t lie, sometimes I feel like givin’ in

Dear Mr. God,
Tell me do You ever cry when we forget to thank You for the good things in our lives?
I know I can’t always understand why You do the things You do
But I know in the end I’ll make it through if I stand next to You
So here I am
I’m writin’ you today, because it seems like lately
I’ve forgotten how to pray

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