25 augustus 2012

The most amazing artist

You are beautiful just as God created you. 
He made you the way you are for a reason and He only makes beautiful things. 
Don’t give in and let yourself think any differently. 
Don’t think that, because a relationship didn’t work out 
or has not yet happened, you are not lovable.
You are being worked on by the most amazing artist in the world. 
You are God’s canvas. 
You don’t have to change anything about yourself, 
because He intended you to look exactly the way you do 
and be exactly the way you are.

When you wake up feeling insecure or lonely or critical of yourself… 
Just remember the most attractive thing about you. 
It’s not your clothes. It’s not your hair. 
It’s not your smile. 
It’s your heart. 
The most attractive thing in the world is a heart who is so filled with Jesus 
that love overflows into the lives of others.
You don’t need a boy or girlfriend or a husband or wife to tell you 
that you’re beautiful - you were born beautiful and loved. 
Nothing can change that.

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